Something Simple... Easy... Right? A Poem... what could possibly go wrong??
Well, lemme tell ya....
I discovered last night that my content is unprotected on this particular platform, that for the moment will remain undiscussed. Like, I CAN protect it, with a bunch of OTHER bullshit that I have to do, like jump through flaming hoops, scrunch my face up tight, fart on command and apparently pay even more moolah, THEN figure out how to plug it into this format. Lucky. Fucking. Me.
But Lucky Fucking YOU too because I have an Ace in my sleeve today. I can publish here, for you to enjoy, a PREVIOUSLY published Poem... Hahahaha! Take that Fuckers!
So here ya go, a previously published Poem, by Yours Truly. Already Copyrighted and Published somewhere out there in the Beyond. And, it's also one of my very favorite poems I've written. So.. Enjoy.
Alas, I had no Pen or Paper
As Prometheus sat chained
To his Rock and watched
Apollos fiery chariot race
Across the sky, with his
Sister not far behind.
The waves rolled gleeful
Towards their meet as Gaia
Breathed Her sighs and as
The bird circled in
His downward flight,
Prometheus... smiled.
© 1992/2004 Zay Harrison