I have a foul fucking mouth. Like, I make Sailors and Military Personnel say, “Daaaang”. If you don’t like it, don’t read my Blog…
So…2020, Covid and Other Fucked Up Shit…. Sheesh, what a friggin’ year.
This has been the most fucked up year in my recollection. And definitely trust me when I say I’ve seen some AMAZINGLY fucked up shit over the decades I’ve been walking around on this planet. I honestly cannot recall when I have seen a harder year, not just for me, but for billions of People world wide.
To be realistic, MY year hasn’t been completely terrible. I am still working and that did not change for me, other than my hours got cut for a bit but now they are back to normal. I have a job that pays me decent, I have a warm, soft comfortable bed to sleep in, a safe, dry secure roof over my head and food in my belly. I am very fortunate and blessed in that regard. I have tried to help others whenever I am able, which has been a lot of folks this year.
Things that did change for me, like so many of us, is the fact that we are all very, very isolated from one another. That has been the hardest thing to bear. We are pack animals. Social animals. We need each other, whether we want to admit it or not.
I have also been witness to an incredible amount of Dumbfuckery this year, waaaaaaay more than normal Dumbfuckery. The hate spewed forth from morons who won’t wear a mask, think that women belong in the kitchen, that People of color should know their “place”… all of the things… has made me much more unwilling to stand idly by and just let it go. I have stood up in the face of their bullshit in a way that, quite frankly, might just be a little dangerous for all involved. And the danger for me…not so much.
Covid. Hmmm… I have to admit I have had mixed feelings about this virus, the governments lack of action, the refusal of People to believe it is real, from conspiracy theories to scientific facts, I have run the gamut. But I have a cousin and Aunt who have had it and my cousin lost her mother as a result. So yes, this fucking shit is real. And those who think otherwise fall into the Moron category.
I’ve worn my mask, washed my hands until they are raw, stay away from my loved ones not in my bubble, finally realizing that NOW, there is NO BUBBLE. And we have the anti-maskers and shitbags to thank for that. Just had to go home for Gramma’s green fucking bean casserole… Thanks asshole. And we were WARNED about it. “Don’t travel for the Holidays” they said… but you did anyway, dintcha. Dickhole.
I woke up Monday morning with a fever. Low grade, but a respectable 99.8. See, I take my temperature every morning before work and every night when I get home, because well… I can, so I should. It’s called ‘RESPONSIBILITY’ and keeps me from giving something to someone, whether it’s a cold, the flu or something far worse. Because, I’m swell, that’s why.
So, Monday, I call in stating I have a fever. Don’t get me wrong, a day off would have been groovy. But I was told since it was a fever, I needed to go get a Covid test. No biggie, I will do so. I thought it kind of odd, because in the past their policy has just been a kind of wait it out and see how you feel tomorrow thing. So I made the call, got the appointment lickety split and drove to the tent to get the test.
Started to get a little bit of a cough in the early afternoon. I have allergies so… meh. I called my boss and told him I had gotten the test and I would let him know asap. He then…THEN… informed me that my company had had a driver that tested Positive for Covid. Which is why they were insistent about my test. (really man??)
I went home, Instacarted some groceries and Doordashed some Pho and just chilled out on the couch. I started to feel pretty bad the rest of the evening and when I woke up on Tuesday I felt like… yah, ‘Im sick with SOMETHING. Nasty cough, low grade fever, and oh, great…muscle aches. I also felt ‘gooey” like a think, sticky goo, all in the back of my pallet. Then, Tuesday night, muscle spasms in my upper and mid back. THAT was fun. Heating Pads are The Very Best Thing EVAR.
Two Covid tests later, both negative (thank you all the Little Laughing Gods) and laying on the couch for four days has left me with a couple things. Number ONE… why the ass fuck would work only state that we had a driver test positive AFTER it was surmised that I might have Covid. And even then... not IMMEDIATELY. What. The. ACTUAL. Fuck…? And get this, while knowing that I didn’t have test results back, they let another driver take my truck, without cleaning it and probably without warning him.
Number TWO… people… for realz, WASH YER GODDAMN NASTY LITTLE DICKBEATERS! Wear a fucking mask and stay six feet apart until this all blows over and we can all go have a pint at the Winchester. It ain’t hard. It ain’t Rocket Science. None of this is difficult. Not one bit of it. Who knows where I picked up my bug…? Coulda been from a grocery basket, another driver, another human in passing. Point is… I was careful as FUCK and I still got sick with SOMETHING. Thank my lucky stars and laughing Gods that it wasn’t anything more serious than a bad cold.
Ah, 2020… It’s been realz, that’s fer sure. But don’t let the door hit yer ass on the way out. Or do... honestly, I don’t even fucking care about yer ass, At. All.
Twenty more days…that’s the rest of the Pins and Needles time we have left from this crap year. Still kind of holding my breath a bit, waiting for the other shoe to smack the shit out of us like a bunch of roaches huddled in the corner, cringing and waiting for the light to come back on and hoping no one will see us there in our mess and whack the crap out of us. Personally, I won’t sleep soundly until THAT is over and done with…
As this year winds down, I have a fire going, Skyrim in the console and all of the things necessary for a good pot of Black Eyed Peas, a Ham hock, Collards and Cornbread to nomnomnom on tomorrow. Hey, I’m Old Fashioned in spots and mildly superstitious… besides, good food is just good food. So, while I won’t have a hangover to nursemaid tomorrow, I will still be a very lazy Mofo and enjoy the first of the New Year with a lot of Hope and a good dose of reservation.
Because, you know… Covid, a shitty economy, rampant looming evictions, etc… not to be a bummer and shit all over your 2021… but… I’m a realist, unfortunately.
I do hope that our 2021 will be the balm we desperately need. Because we need to be SOAKED in Desitin or something. Rub that shit all over and make sure we get all the nooks and crannies. Because the diaper rash of 2020 is gonna leave scars.
Be well, think positive, happy thoughts, take care of each other, take care of Your Selfs and Love LOVE LOVE the World. Can’t wait to be able to really hug folks again and yes… it is gonna get all weird n shit.