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Misogyny, Dumbfuckery and Outright Stupidity...

Wow. IQ's have dropped sharply while I was away.

I am usually "tolerant" of The Truly Stupid, mostly because the person who is stupid seems to have been born that way and I look at it as a defect of birth. Stupidity and Ignorance are completely different, don't confuse the two. Ignorance is a choice... Stupidity is usually not.

But then, there seem to be a sub-class of The Stupid that are somewhat functional, even high functioning, members of our society. These folks come in a wide array, from doctors to lawyers, CEO's and politicians, etc... ad nauseum. And unfortunately, they seem capable of choosing to be, or remain, ignorant as well. This is where the Dumbfuckery Factor builds in intensity and drives me to drink.

These folks are often 'Successful' and have money, too much....and time, also usually... too much.

Take Landlords, for example. (insert ironic, sardony here)

Oregon has recently updated the law concerning Rent Increases. In Multnomah County, the previous cap was 7%. Now it is 14% and some change. I dunno bout y'all, but my rent has increased 100% since 2012. My wages haven't kept up with this fine little detail. So my income, say at $4000 a month take home, for example, and my rent ten years ago was $750. That was a little less than one quarter of my income. Which gave me plenty of money to pay bills, SAVE money and have some left over for my bad habits, like expensive wine and tastes.

Now, let's look at 2022. That income is still $4000 a month. Rent is $1500, which is a shit ton better than the average here in the Portland Metro area (but Jeezly Fucking Crow!) and my tax burden has increased thanks to the Orange Shitstain, so now my rent is over a 3rd of what I make, and I still have higher bills, more to pay for food thanks to inflation and ZERO ability to save money. So I have had to cut back on the Little Things in life that make Yours Truly a happier, more mellow human being.

My Landlord is not a struggling, work a day individual, trying to make a little extra cheddar and provide housing for the masses. This Landlord is one of the Stupid's with more money than sense and a "putterer", which makes life hell for those of us who live here. The constant "improvement projects" and general passive aggressive behavior of "not liking" someone, makes life here generally unpleasant, whereas before, the old Landlord actually gave a shit about the complex and those of us that live here.

Couple that with a little Misogyny and it's the Perfect Trifecta that I love oh-so-well.

I used to be a contractor. Long before I ever set foot in a tractor trailer combo, I was in the construction business. I can create and read blueprints and schematics, build you a house and other general handcraft, were I so inclined. I was good at it and I liked what I did for a living. I got out of the business because the economy tanked out and I didn't want to go under and struggle through yet another recession. So I became a trucker. Never regretted it, not even once.

So me, being the Ever Helpful Little Raven that I am, I once told said the Trifecta Landlord that doing what he was planning on doing would be ineffective. To prove me wrong, he did it anyway. (which did not prove me wrong...) But HE felt good about his little in-accomplishment and has since condescended to me whenever he begins to explain his current path of Constructive Destructiveness.

The building I live in is 60+ years old. It's cool in its own Mid-century way and I have been here over ten years, so I have no plans to go anywhere anytime soon. It's got older sewer and drain pipes, even though the water pipes were replaced with new copper piping 7 years ago, along with the new roof. It's quaint and groovy and I dig it for the price, considering what everyone else in the area is paying for the same.

But my tub has drain issues. In order to alleviate this and some water pressure issues, The Trifecta King decided to Re-pipe the complex. (eyeroll) This project went on over a month and was disruptive to the sanity of everyone living here. But nothing was done about the drains...

(Stupidity should burn The Stupid)

So needless to say, my tub backs up from time to time. Which the Trifecta's solution is to Snake It From The Roof Vent. ::blinks::

While this gives some minor relief, it ain't a solution...

I told him once, that this was not an appropriate fix for the problem. He hasn't liked me ever since. Especially when I also told him that the re-pipe could have been done way Mo'Bettah and and and...

Hey, I'm not necessarily a People Person, aight??

So now his solution is to replace my tub...

(take your time...)

And I was told I would be without a tub for two weeks, but if that's what I wanted him to do...

You can imagine the thoughts that went through my brain at that moment, can't'cha...

As much as I am SORELY tempted to allow this little bit of re-modelling happen, I feel I must decline for the sake of my sanity. He also told me not to put Drain-O down the drain, because it will make it worse. (I need a drink right now at 10am on a Sunday morning....)

So, hence my thoughts about IQ's continually plummeting into the ground at meteoric speeds.

Better to write, because it is a deterrent for incarceration.

Like, seriously... a major deterrent.


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