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Oh!! The Fuckery....

Oh! The Fuckery….


For fucks sakes…

So, I’ve been sick for a week and a half and honestly, haven’t been paying much attention to what has been going down. Part of it is that I am just numb about it, same old same old Trumpism that we’ve all been dealing with for the last four years. But then it occurred to me that it hasn’t just been the last four years, more like the last 40 years. They just repackaged it, over and over again, until it has become palatable to most folks. But waking up this morning and hearing about the Shitstorm going down, at the Capitol specifically, did more than just set my teeth on edge.

All of my life, I have been a Patriot. In the truest sense of the word. The ACTUAL meaning of the word. Patriot: “A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.” So let’s break that down a wee bit…

THIS country, was founded on certain principles that are stated clearly in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights and their subsequent Amendments. It was originally a Democratic Republic , which basically is this:

“A state in which supreme power is held BY THE PEOPLE and their elected representative” …AND… “A system of government by the WHOLE POPULATION or all eligible members of state, typically through elected representatives.”

Did I miss something?

For The People, BY The People… yeah. I took that shit to heart as a kid. My generation was taught about the American Revolution when we were in the second grade. And it wasn’t just in passing… we STUDIED it and continued to study it, for many years to come. Not what’s NOT taught now. Sure, the schools kinda touch on it a bit, but not enough, OBVIOUSLY.

Let’s talk about the Second Amendment.

“A well regulated militia, being NECESSARY to the security of a Free State, the Right of The People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

It was set up, AFTER “Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Peaceably Assemble and to Petition the Government of a Redress of Grievances”, IN ORDER TO PROTECT THOSE RIGHTS!!!

Am I wrong????

No, of course I am not. What IS wrong, is these EXTREMISTS who do not have a fucking clue as to what this country is about. There are not Militia, they are terrorists. Terrorists that the Shitbag sitting in the Office at the moment is allowing and encouraging. That means, the HE is a terrorist and is attempting to overthrow and do away with our Way of Life. He has done this since Day One. And Congress, the Senate and thereby, THE PEOPLE, have allowed this to come to pass.

Oh no, not ALL of us, right? Not you… you didn’t vote for him. You trusted the process, until you were shown that the process is highly suspect. In fact, even now, it is most irregular and suspect. But you did allow it… because you too have failed to understand the meaning of what it is to be a Patriot. Because “they” have tried their best to make that a word that means, “nutbag”, “crazy”, “terrorist”, “extremist”, “militia”, “antiestablishment”. And you bought it. They sold it to you with Waco and Ruby Ridge. They sold it you again, repackaged, with Oklahoma City and 911. They sold it to you with surveillance cameras, smart phones and Alexa. And you liked it! Because it was “in your own best interest” and you felt… Safe.

Din’t cha…

And you forgot. You forgot why we had these Freedoms that NEVER WOULD HAVE ALLOWED such things to come to pass. But you bought the pretty packaging and dealt with the substandard item you thought you had bought.

I don’t say these things lightly. Most folk figure I am a little bit craycray when I talk about such things. But, unlike most folks, I have a copy of The Constitution, the Bill of Rights and their Amendments, and I read them frequently. The reason I read them, is so that I remember them and try to know them inside and out. Because I am a Patriot. And because I believe in the fundamentals by which this country was founded.

I am neither Liberal nor Conservative. I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I am just an American Citizen, born and bred, from a long line of Americans, going back to the Mayflower and the American Revolution. My early American Ancestors were Irish, Scottish, a wee bit of English and Norwegian thrown in for fun. They came over here seeking a better place than an authoritarian monarchy that would not let them worship as they chose, say what they thought and were powerless to change.

So they came to the New World in search of change and Freedom. Some came as indentured servants, deserters, criminals, wealthy and poor. And after they had been here. left to their own devices for quite a while, someone from England said, “uh…nope” and tried to tell them they were The Kings Subjects, after decades of Jack Shit from England except repression.

So they said, HELL NO” and badda bing, badda boom, this new country, OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE… was born.

They put a lot of thought into what they wanted and didn’t want. And don’t get me wrong…it was FLAWED. Slavery, oppression of women, etc… all of the bad things that they should have taken into account but didn’t. I’m not here to defend or reprimand those flaws. It was flawed, but it was different than any other country in the world at that time. Unheard of… and it worked, for the most part. And more importantly, it paved the way for this country to not only serve as a role model to other countries, but left a lot of room for improvement, that has mostly… mostly… happened. Other countries took our model and have done AMAZING things with it. In many, if not most ways, even better than we could have dreamed.

But that Second Amendment was put into place because they believed no one should ever have to worry about living under tyranny again. And that didn’t mean you had to use your musket against and AR-15. It means that YOU… THE PEOPLE… should also own an AR-15, because that’s what you might be up against someday. “Against a tyrannical Government, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC”

And hey, guess what?? Look at where we are…

We are facing a Nazi Fascism Model. Let’s take a peek at History for a moment. Because a culture that forgets or buries its past is doomed to repeat it…So, in a nutshell;

Hitler came to power in what was called a “socialist movement” in the 1930’s. (It WASN'T a socialist movement, it was Nationalism) It really started earlier than that but nonetheless, he and a handful of “nationalists” got a handful of power for a few years. Then most of them were arrested, basically for sedition, and when they got out, the German economy had completely collapsed. Hitler and his minions started back in on their rhetoric and used the economic failure as a platform to power. And what a bang up job they did… Within a couple of years, they had begun the National Socialist German Workers Party. Nazi’s. They promoted German Pride and antisemitism. It was Economic Collapse and Fear that allowed the Nazi Party to gain so much momentum.

Hitler gave speech after speech about how unemployment, rampant inflation, hunger and economic stagnation would continue until a total reform of German Life. He spewed that if the communists (immigrants) and Jews (Latinos) were driven from the nation, Germany would prosper.

Sound familiar?

All of this looks to me like a play by play right out of the Nazi Handbook. Hitler took away guns from the German People, you HAD to join the party because if you “weren’t FOR them you were AGAINST them”. It happened slowly, and in stages, and at first the German People went along because “they felt safer”. But ultimately, in the end, the horrors of what was happening could no longer be denied. Only the very wealthy had food, adequate shelter and money. Only “good” party members. Everyone else could just fuck off and eat cake…

Sound familiar?

Now… don’t get me wrong or misunderstand what I am trying to convey. I ain’t making Antifacsist rhetoric or up on some soapbox like a crazy person. I am trying the best way I can to say that America has fallen into a Void that I honestly do no know we can climb out of now. We DEFINITATELY cannot go back to “normal” because NORMAL was not good. It wasn’t good for anyone, except the very wealthy. It continues to be good for them. A Shitshow is good for them. Things could be as bad as they could possibly get and it would STILL be good for them.

Such things have happened before. The French Revolution was pretty profound. They got so sick of it that the People rose up and took over, cutting off heads and nearly burning every city to the ground in order to create REAL reform. And so they did, and had to break a lot of eggs to do so. But it worked. They dragged landlords out into the street, beating them and killing some, burning their homes to the ground. They beat and killed tax collectors, took over warehouses, the ports and finally storming the palaces and putting on trial the Kings, Queens and other ruling governmental bodies before cutting off their heads with a fucking Guillotine.

Sounds like my kind of party. Anarchy in the USA.

Don’t get me wrong. I ain’t sayin’ this is what should happen. (well, maybe just a wee bit) What I am saying is that THIS is what our government was set up for, not only to prevent it but to hopefully keeping it from happening in the first place. Yet, it HAS happened….all while we were sleeping so soundly with all the white noise on.

So, what are YOU, THE PEOPLE… gonna do about it?

The power is in YOUR hands. Still… even now. With Great Power Comes Greater Responsibility. What we need is true and real reform. Not Joe and Kamala, which is just really more of the same but certainly better than what we’ve been putting up with these last four long years. Joe will tuck you in and put you back to sleep if you let him. Your awake now. Being awake sucks sometimes, but being awake is better than dying in your sleep without having ever really lived. Take back those powerful words like “militia” and “patriot”. They are your birthright. They are the RIGHT of those who come here seeking asylum. They are the RIGHT of those who have come here and stayed in order to have a better life for themselves and their children. They are everything this country once stood for.

There are STILL kids in camps.

There are still hammers that cost the taxpayers $750 dollars each.

You are still driving on shitty infrastructure.

Solar power and Wind power is cheap and renewable and leaves ZERO carbon footprint.

Oil Companies do not care about you, other animals or the environment. Only about money.

Big Pharma WANTS you to be sick because it is profitable.

Prisons should NOT be For Profit.

Prisoner reform DOES NOT EXIST. Because it is not Profitable.

People are dying because they do not have health care. DYING.

There is a razor wire fence and a WALL around the White House.

Growing your own food is not something that is taught in schools.

“They” are STILL making weapons of mass destruction.

For what? Why?

WHY is a great question to be asking ourselves right now. Every day, The People should be asking, “WHY!!??” and DEMAND an answer. In America, we have that RIGHT. We also have every single RIGHT to change it. And, according to the Constitution, you do NOT have to wait for a lawmaker and the Senate to drag it around for years or decades in order to do so.

But they will change all that if they can. Todays action at the Capitol will see to that.

See, until today, it was within the RIGHT of every single person in this country to walk right up those capitol stairs and demand the right to speak before congress. You haven’t in reality had the ability to do so for a while, because they no longer let just anyone IN but theoretically you do have that RIGHT. But now, since they stormed the building, that’s all gonna change. Deep down you know this… but you’ve been drinking the Kool Aid for a while and it tasted good while you were drinking it. See it for what it is. Just water with some shitty chemicals and sugar. After today, no one will be allowed to just walk up to any federal government building.

To be sure, these are very scary times we are living in right now. It is heartbreaking to me, to see my fellow People crushed beneath a boot of oppression and fear. Fear is a hell of a thing. It makes People do stupid shit. Like, sit around and do nothing. Fight or Flight, man… Fight or Flight.

I would like to leave you with this. Iceland got sick of its very wealthy and bankers controlling their parliament and economy. So The People rose up and took over. They arrested bankers, lawmakers and others who were systematically destroying their country. They did this fairly non-violently and had a hard period of about five years afterwards, however, they are now one of the most economically stable and progressive nations of the World.

Just sayin’…

Peace Y’all. Try to do good and do good to try. Ever tried, ever failed. No mind. Try again. Fail better.

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