Oh, Misogyny Man... You do make me laugh.
So, I'm a gun owner. Shocking, I know. I have been a hunter, shootist and enthusiast for 50 years, starting with that Daisy that my Mom warned me about "putting my eye out". We had guns around while growing up, lots of target shooting and I hunted rabbits and skweerells. I started hunting deer and elk as I got older and have had some kick ass guns, rifles and other weapons of mass destruction over the years.
Oh yeah, and I used to work at a Gun Store. Like, as someone you asked questions to inform yourself, not just a cashier. Like... I can train you in gun safety and tactical training if such a thing in your BagO'...
Yeah, I know.. some of youse just dont like pew-pews and bang-bangs, but hey, everyone has a hobby, right?
Anyway, let's just state for the record that I am fairly knowledgeable about Guns and Suches... k?
Which brings me to Misogyny Man.
I made some flippant and offhand comment on a FaceSpace post about guns. Mind you, a Flippant and Offhand comment. I wasn't looking for an argument nor trying to incite a riot. The comment was something to the effect of responsible gun ownership and how I'm all for MORE regulation concerning the ownership of guns. Which is true, I DO believe that not only should guns be regulated in the aspect of background checks, but I feel like someone should have to pass a PSYCHE exam in order to purchase one AND there should definitely be a waiting period! NO ONE should be able to walk into a gun store and buy an AR-15 and walk out with in in less than an hour on a WHIM. I also made a comment about how I had worked at a gun store, done an AR build and blahdeeblah...yaknow, general Raven advocacy.
So, some rando dude starts trolling me, telling me that I "can't possibly be a gun owner" or I wouldn't feel like that. I bantered with him for a bit then dropped it, because, you know... You can't fix Stupid, no matter how much you try.
And thus began the hitting me up in private...(ah, those who flirt with DangerRaven give me a big woody.)
(the following is taken from the PM log of said Troll and Moi, complete in spelling inaccuracies, etc...)
Misogyny Man (MM): You AREN'T a gun owner! Sounds super sus bro
Me: Uh, yeah "bro". I am.
MM: No way. I served man. I shoot all the guns
Me: Why are you bothering me, Bruh...
MM: bcause your a lying peice of shit (this is how it came over with correct spelling)
Me: Whatevz man... go bother someone who gives a fuck.
(Several hours pass and I responded to another on the post about doing an AR-15 build. Again, not arguing, riot inciting or assholishness...(
MM: Dude npway you built an AR haha liar
Me: Stop. Bugging. Me. Fruitcake.
MM: (some random trolling image of a Daniel Defense stock photo AR-15)
Me: Stop sending me Dick Pics...
MM: faggot
Me: Yep!! All day long.
MM: prove you builded an AR bro ("builded"... hahaha... I chortled aloud)
Me: Dude. Let me be clear on this. I do NOT have to prove Jack Diddley Shitsquat to you. However, I will stoop down to your tiny little brain level and bite. (I then proceed to describe my AR-15 build in detail, even throwing in some euphemisms and embellishments that to be sure, went far over his intellectual level and then proceed to mention how to properly maintain not only an AR but how to break down a Glock, and how I prefer Frog Juice over Remington.) (It's actually a brand called Frog Lube and I don't really like it but fuck him....)
MM: you looked that up on google
Me: Haha.. whatever Bruh. You caught me. I didn't work at a gun store either. I'm just fuckin with ya (me eyerolling to myself and trying desperately to figure out how to block this shitstain from my FB inbox...
MM: wtf bro
(Several more hours go by... I am technologically inept, so I hadn't yet figured out how to block Stupid)
MM: you didnt do a build
Me: ....send me another dick pic
MM: fuck off fag
Me: no, really. Send me your big, hot military cock.
MM: (sends a stock photo I saw two days ago on a website of a soldier in Iraq)
Me: so not you bruh... that came from this website. (I happily send him the url from said website)
MM: you are not a gun owner faggot
Me: Gun Control is a steady hand. And I'm female, you stupid fuck.
MM: oh bro im sorry girls can own guns did you really do a build?
(REAAAAALLLLY?? WTAF Bruh??!!!!! HAHAHAHA... I actually LOVE this particular part of the post.) ... (again with the chortling)
Me: lol.. duh
MM: wow thats cool! (I am sort of agag at this point but still chuckling)
Me: (sends facepalm pic)
MM: sorry bro (derp)
(About 20 mins go by...)
MM: really im sorry bro (derpety derp)
Me: (sends pic of my AR with the Deadpool Metal symbol on the receiver) ...Now, go to bed, Jr.
MM: thats cool
(end of thread... thank all the little laughing Gods)
Honestly... What the Actual, ACTUAL fuck, man? At this point the messaging ceased and I can only hope, or surmise, that MM's little brain pan short circuited and maybe he stroked out while trying to wrap his head around someone other than a male doing Man Shit and also calling a gurl a faggot. EyeDeeKay, and for me at least, his brain pan melting is at least a happy thought.
Ah, Misogyny Man, you do at least, make me laugh...which is probably dangerous for all concerned but the world needs a little more laughter these days.
Peace and suches unto you and yern.... and stay tuned for the Ongoing and Continuing Adventures and Misogyny Man.